@pathduck @Jennxpenn is a filmmaker haha she used the part of the song from 0:52 in her video “p i c t u r e s.” haha :]
I love this song but this video…
I think I might have a seizure.
@pathduck @Jennxpenn is a filmmaker haha she used the part of the song from 0:52 in her video “p i c t u r e s.” haha :]
What song? I have no idea who that is :D
0:52 thats where @Jennxpenn got the song from HAHAHA<3
yachts so freaking awesome, thanks for posting, wish more of their material is on youtube 🙂
=] sweet video, i had never seen this before.
It says so in the info top right mate 🙂
does anyone know which YaCHT album this is off of, if any?
Damn, E*Rock rules! Brain hurts.
i <3 YACHT.